As a student at HLT you get access to the largest digital theological library in the world – Digital Theological Library (DTL)
DTL consists of over 525,000 e-books and over 35 million articles.
Klick the link below to get access (new tab)
Access to DTL is exclusive for students at HLT. It’s strictly forbidden to share you’re login information with others! You’ll find login information on the right-hand side of this page.
DTL is user friendly and can be can be accessed from anywhere in the world where there’s internett access. E-books can be read online or you can download it as a pdf on your computer or handheld.
DTL is a significant step forward for HLT, and for those of you studying at school.
Access to DTL will, in total, reduce students’ costs with regard to curriculum books, although we have to charge a small library fee. As a co-owner of DTL, we can also buy new books that we want to use as a syllabus or supplementary literature as long as the books are available in electronic format. DTL is also growing steadily. Just this year, the library has grown by over 100,000 books!