Site icon Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology

Student Representative

What is the student representative (Studentombud)?

The student ombudsperson is an independent resource who provides advice to students and help them in their life as university students. The student ombudsman is bound to observe professional secrecy.


The student representative may

  • Investigate and make sure that HLT stays within the regulations when dealing with your issues and that your rights are respected
  • Be a neutral and independent body between you as a student and HLT in a possible conflict
  • Be of assistance in appeal processes
  • Help you understand your own rights and obligations

If the student ombudsperson cannot be of assistance, he/she will lead you to someone who can.


The student representative may NOT

  • Take sides
  • Decide on current matters
  • Instruct or be instructed by decision-making bodies at HLT
  • Assist with cases that have already been discussed and decided by other units or decision-making bodies at HLT
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