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At HLT we’re using a program called TimeEdit. This program give you as a student the flexibility to customize the calendar according to the courses you’re taking each semester. By following the instructions below you should be able to fix this. This is something you’ll do ones every semester start.

  1. Click here to get to the program – TimeEdit
  2. Click “Schedule.” 
  3. Choose “Student” in the dropdown menu under “Search”
  4. Type your name where it says “Search Student”
  5. Your student number will appear in the column below. If you see multiple student numbers it means that there’s other students with the same name. Try to write both first and last name if you’re unsure which student number is yours.
  6. Click on your student number and watch it slide over to the column on the right.
  7. Click “Show schedule”
  8. Click “Now” on the top leftChoose start date (should be before semester start)
  9. Click “Full week” to choose end date (should be after the last day of the semester)
  10. Click “Subscribe” on the top right.
  11. Where it says “Time” choose the option that shows the dates you chose in step 8 and 9.
  12. Copy the generated link and paste it in to your iCal or gCal on your computer
    Apple users can click on the “iPhone & iPad: subscription iCal” That will open your iCal automatically and add the calendar to your subscriptions.

For technical questions contact Thomas Birkeland

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