Asbjørn Simonnes
Professor II
Field of expertise: Ethics, Religion Pedagogy and Practical Theology
Background: Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, CA, 1996 entitled ‘When Children are at Risk.’ Ph.D in Practical Theology from Fuller Theological seminary, CA, 2004 entitled ‘The Child in the Interaction between Intentional and Functional Education’ discussing the tension between the influence of the school/church and the international commercial mass media industry.
Asbjørn has written many books on how to strengthen the environment in which children grow as well as their identity. He has also written articles about the characteristics of the charismatic renewal from a theological, psychological and sociological perspective.
Edited and revised ‘Velkommen hellige Ånd,’ (Prokla Media, 2018) together with Tormod Engelsviken.
Asbjørn has been actively involved in Oase since 1980 and has during this time been chairman of the board and head of the movement. He is now a theological advisor and speaker for Oase. He has worked at Volda University College for 38 years as a professor and emeritus in religious education.
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