Checklist for new students

Accept your study place

You will need to provide a written acceptance of our study offer by the deadline. This is the final confirmation that you will be studying at HLT.


Get access to Self Service and Moodle

After you have accepted your study place you will receive an email with a username and password for Self-Service and Moodle. This will be sent to the email address you used when you applied for admission. Remember to check your spam filter, if you have not received the email.


Pay the tuition fees

Payment of the semester fees grants you the right to study, take examinations and borrow books through HLTs library services. If you do not pay the tuition fees by the deadline, you may lose your study place and the right to take exams. Invoices are sent by e-mail. Contact Henning Korsmoe if you have not received an invoice or have questions about the billing.


Have you applied to the State Educational Loan Fund for loans and grants?

Remember that you must have paid the semester fee to receive a loan from the State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen).


Get student ID

All new students will be required to meet up in person and register during the first week of the semester. Students who will be taking at least 15 credits per semester will be granted a student ID.  The student ID shows that you are student at HLT and which can be used as a form of identification at examinations, and to obtain student discounts for travel etc. The student ID is in digital form through an app (Kortfri) on your phone which you can download from the App Store or through Google Play (

To register, students must bring with them the following:

  • Valid formal of identification with your photo on it (e.g. passport)
  • Original copies of your certificates (you can find more information about this in the information letter which is sent out during the summer before you start)
  • The semester fees must have been paid in full, including the SiO fees.


As a student, you will be granted access to Moodle. Moodle is the school’s intranet where information about your studies is published. In addition, you will find your course rooms, resources and many of your exams in Moodle. New students will be given training in how to use Moodle at the beginning of the semester. Students are required to familiarize themselves with how to use Moodle, and to actively participate in any requirements for individual courses and exams.


Stay informed

All students at HLT are required to familiarize themselves with the regulations governing studies and examinations at HLT. In addition, students must familiarize themselves with study plans, course descriptions, examination schedules, regulations and procedures for examinations and rules for dealing with cheating. Regulations and guidelines are available through the HLT Student section of our website, and in the Moodle “Community Room.”