HLT is organized with various councils and committees. We have done this to ensure that the decisions we make at the school are as broadly based as possible. The various councils and committees have the following composition and function:
The owners of the School meet at the general meeting. Here the annual report and financial statements are approved, in addition to the election of the college’s board.
The college’s board has the overall responsibility for HLT. Here, the student representative and employee representative–with full rights–meet together with representatives of the owners. The headmaster has the right to speak, make proposals and hold meetings.
The Learning Environment Committee (Læringsmiljøutvalget – LMU) at HLT consists of a representative from the management team, a representative from the staff and two representatives from the students. LMU must participate in the evaluation and planning of measures regarding the learning environment, and provide input on all matters affecting the students’ study environment.
The Student Council (Studentrådet) is elected by the students every autumn and is present on the college’s board, learning environment committee and complaints committee. A designated student council representative has regular meetings with the student council leader.
The committee for research and development (Utvalget for forskning og utvikling – FoU) consists of the academic leader, research leader and section leaders, and shall stimulate research and development work in various ways at HLT.
The appeal board (Klagenemnda) consists of an external lawyer, two representatives of the employees and two students and must deal with complaints about individual decisions, such as exclusion, in line with the requirements of the Higher Education Act.
In addition, the safety representative and administrative manager have regular meetings with the headmaster on matters related to health, environment and safety.