Possession in an examination of any material or electronic device which has not been authorized in HLT’s Examination Regulations (Section 3.5) or course descriptions will be regarded as an attempt to cheat. This applies as soon as the exam assignment has been handed out.
With regards to examinations taken at home such as 72-hour home exams and essay submissions, actions which can be considered as cheating/attempted cheating include copying or transcribing without providing references (plagiarism). This also applies if the student’s assignment is characterized by a lack of independence, for example, because it is similar to another assignment/source, or because it is written by someone other than the student.
HLT deals with attempted cheating in accordance with the Act relating to Norwegian universities and university colleges § 4-7 and § 4-8.
Attempted cheating may result in the annulment of examination and test results and exclusion from the institution for one or two semesters.