Semester fee

For Fall 2024, the following prices apply:

English study program:

The Semester fee (30 credits) for students from the EU is NOK 8 300 and the for students from outside the EU is NOK 51 800.

The SiO fee (for the student welfare organization in Oslo) of NOK 690 is mandatory and will come in addition to the semester fee making the total:

  • NOK 52 490 for non-EU students
  • NOK 8 990 for EU students.

Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology does not offer scholarships at present time.

Tuition fees are non-refundable once studies have commenced.


Digital library

As a student at The Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology, you will have access to DTL (Digital Theological Library) which is the largest Digital Theological Library in the world.


SIO fee Oslo / SIS fee Stavanger

All students at HLT in Oslo who take 10 credits or more must pay the SIO fee of NOK 690 /semester. Read more about SIO at


Examination fee

Examination fees for ordinary examinations are normally included in the tuition fee. Decentralized examinations are charged with a separate fee. Makeup exams are also charged with a separate exam fee. If the makeup exam is due to illness with a doctor’s certificate, or another approved special reason, the exam fee is waived.
You can find more about the exam fees here.


Paid semester fee is a prerequisite for:

  • be registered as an active student, which among other things is one of the prerequisites for getting a loan from the Government’s loan fund
  • get access to the college’s ICT services (Self Service and Moodle)
  • be allowed to sit for the ordinary exam
  • get a valid student ID
  • get access to the welfare offers from the Student Union in Oslo and Akershus (SiO) / the Student Union in Stavanger (SIS)
  • loan in the library and access to the library


Important to remember:
You lose the right to study if you have not paid the semester fee within the applicable deadlines.
You must have paid the semester fee in order to receive a loan from Lånekassen.