Makeup Exams

Students have a maximum of three attempts to pass an examination. If a student does not attend an examination or submit an assignment this is counted as one of the three attempts. If a student has approved valid absence from an exam, this will not count as an attempt.

When you fail an exam, do not attend/submit, or have approved valid absence, you will automatically be registered for the next scheduled makeup exam. If you have not passed your examination after the third attempt, you can no longer take examinations or receive credits for that course.


Makeup exams are subject to additional examination fees.


Students who wish to improve their grade or who for other special reasons are not automatically registered for makeup exams should request this through the exam administrator via Please note that certain conditions apply. See Grade Improvement for further details.

Students who wish to retake examinations by request should apply at least 2 weeks before a School Exam, 72-Hour Take-Home Exam or Oral Exam, and 4 weeks before an essay deadline.