Forskning 2016

10. september 2016

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“For Such a Time as This”:
Gender Issues in Twenty-First Century Norwegian and Swedish Pentecostal Churches”

Åse-Miriam Smidsrød har skrevet en artikkel i fagtidsskriftet PentecoStudies høsten 2016 som handler om situasjonen for kvinnelige ledere i pinsebevegelsen i Norge og Sverige. Artikkelen peker på hvilke hindringer som møter kvinnelige ledere, reflekterer over årsakene til disse og kommer med forslag for hvordan vi kan legge til rette for flere kvinnelige ledere.

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“For Such a Time as This”:
Gender Issues in Twenty-First Century Norwegian and Swedish Pentecostal Churches”

In the fall of 2016 Åse-Miriam Smidsrød wrote an article in the academic journal PentectoStudies. The articles discusses the situation for female leaders in the pentecostal movement in Norway and Sweden. The article points out which obstacles female leaders faces and reflects on the reason for these. The article also gives suggestions on how make life easier for female leaders.

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Flere blogginnlegg

14. mars 2017

Time as this

[bs_row class=»row»][bs_col class=»col-sm-3″] [/bs_col][bs_col class=»col-sm-9″] “For Such a Time as This”: Gender Issues in Twenty-First Century Norwegian and Swedish Pentecostal […] Les mer
15. februar 2017

Forskning 2016

[cptui cptui_posttype=»2016″ cptui_shortcode=»default_shortcode» cptui_shortcode_id=»4153″ title=»Forskning+2016″ featured_image=»on» attached_post=»3335″ order_by=»date» order=»ASC» taxonomy-2016=»2016″][/cptui] Les mer
7. februar 2017

[bs_row class=»row»][bs_col class=»col-sm-3″] [/bs_col][bs_col class=»col-sm-9″] “For Such a Time as This”: Gender Issues in Twenty-First Century Norwegian and Swedish Pentecostal […] Les mer