Vitenskapelige publikasjoner


Tangen, Karl Inge
S-E-R-V-E a theoretical framework for Christian leadership


Zeiffert, Roald
«Jeg har på en måte alltid gått der» : Betydningen av personlig omvendelse blant unge i lavkirkelige bevegelser

Zeiffert, Roald
Why Are Conservative Young Evangelicals in Norway Avoiding Right-Wing Politics?

Åkerlund, Truls; Markow, Franklin. 
Pentecostal Leadership: Exploring a Global Phenomenon. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion 2023

Åkerlund, Truls; Andersen, John Daniel Lannemyr. 
Exploring Experience: A Case for Phenomenology in Pentecostal Studies. Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 2023 ;Volum 45. s. 55-77

Drejer, Catharina Sofie Rodenburg; Riegler, Michael; Halvorsen, Pål; S. Johnson, Miriam; Baugerud, Gunn Astrid.
Livestreaming Technology and Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 2023

Åkerlund, Truls; Markow, Franklin.
Pentecostal Leadership: Exploring a Global Phenomenon. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion 2023 ;Volum 20.(5) s.526-550

Davage, David.
Stitching Psalms Together: On the Function and Use of Psalms in 4Q171. The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 2023 ;Volum 85. s.256-275

Davage, David.
Kan Gamla testamentet bli som nytt? Förkunnelse i ljuset av ett döende testamente. HYBRID – mellan akademi, kyrka och samhälle 2023 ;Volum 1. s.21-60

Eriksen, Stian Sørlie.
The diversification of Norwegian Pentecostalism: changing cultures, identities, and theologies through migration. Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity (JPCC) 2023 ;Volum 43.(1) s.79-99

Tangen, Karl Inge; Alegre, Rakel Ystebø.
Pentecostal movements in Norway. Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity (JPCC) 2023 ;Volum 43.(1) s.5-25

Tangen, Karl Inge.
Integrating Pentecostal Healing and Western Medicine: A Case Study. Mission studies 2023

Davidsson, Tommy.
Den svenska Pingströrelsens församlingssyn: Samfundsfri församling, riksförening, trossamfund. I: Pingströrelsens ecklesiologi i förändring: Studier av Pingst som församling, rörelse och samfund. Institutet för Pentekostala Studier (IPS) Network 2023 ISBN 978-91-527-6565-4. s.26- 57

Alegre, Rakel Ystebø.
Thomas Ball Barratt. I: Kristne strateger. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2023 ISBN 9788202753399. s.183-192 HLT

Andersen, Øyvind G..
Do Healings Confirm the Truth of the Christian Gospel?. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology 2023 ;Volum 10. s.36-50 HLT


Davidsson, Tommy; Alegre, Rakel Ystebø
From Medical Kits to Fighting Rape as a Weapon of War: The Development of Scandinavian Pentecostal Medical Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I: Sisters, Mothers, Daughters: Pentecostal Perspectives on Violence against Women. Brill Academic Publishers 2022 ISBN 9789004513198. s.154-184

Zeiffert, Roald
Vad tror unga vuxna på? Enkätundersökning med bibelskoledeltagare
I: Kristen tro på glid? Tron hos unga vuxna i svensk frikyrklighet. Institutet för Pentekostala Studier (IPS) Network 2022 ISBN 9789197903097. s.69-92

Smidsrød, Åse Miriam; Åkerlund, Truls
Coloring Things Together: Experiences of Leading Together as Pastor Couples in the Norwegian Pentecostal Movement

Aadne, Linda
Radical Discipleship in Participation: Spiritual Formation in Baptist Community. Journal of European Baptist Studies (JEBS) 2022 ;Volum 01.(22) s.77-96

Andersen, John Daniel
Om religiøse følelser og deres teologiske værd: Hvordan forstå kristne affeksjoners positive betydning for lære og praksis?. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology 2022 ;Volum 9. s.45-69

Davage, David
How Isaiah became an Author: Prophecy, Authority, and Attribution. Fortress Press 2022 (ISBN 978-1-5064-8106-7) 368 s.

Davage, David
Recension av Jan Dietrich & Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme (red.), Gud og os: Teologiske læsninger af Det Gamle Testamente i det 21. århundrede. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 2022 ;Volum 98.(1) s.62-63

Andersen, John Daniel; Søvik, Atle Ottesen.
Aspects of Experience and Their Role in Systematic Theology. Theology and Science 2022 ;Volum 20. s.386-400.


Davage, David
Sin Without Grace? A Fresh Look at the Theological Significance of in Genesis 3:8. I: Sin, Suffering, and the Problem of Evil. Mohr Siebeck 2021 ISBN 978-3-16-157538-9. s.115-139

Åkerlund, Truls
Taking ownership of our spirituality: Pentecostal leaders as liturgical directors. Journal of Pentecostal Theology 2021

Davage, David
What Could We Agree On? Outlining Five Fundaments in the Research of the ‘Book’ of Psalms. I: The Formation of the Hebrew Psalter. Mohr Siebeck 2021 ISBN 978-3-16-160848-3. s.83-118

Tangen, Karl Inge
Healing in the Pentecostal tradition: A Scandinavian perspective. Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 2021 ;Volum 2.(41) s.124-140

Davage, David
A Canon of Psalms in the Dead Sea Scrolls? Revisiting the Qumran Psalms Hypothesis. Biblical Theology Bulletin 2021 ;Volum 51.(4) s.35-44

Davage, David
Pedagogik över videokonferenser med flera studiecenter. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 2021 ;Volum 86. s.73-75

Davage, David
Recension av Paul J. Sander, Alternate Delimitations in the Hebrew and Greek Psalters: A Theological Analysis. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 2021 ;Volum 86. s.200-204

Davage, David
Recension av Beat Weber, Werkbuch Psalmen. I: Die Psalmen 1 bis 72; II: Die Psalmen 73 bis 150; III: Theologie und Spiritualität des Psalters und seiner Psalmen. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 2021 ;Volum 86. s.212-217

Davage, David
Paratextual Framings of Psalm 72 and the Shaping of Interpretive Possibilities. Acta Theologica 2021 ;Volum 32. s.357-379

Davage, David
Gudar och människor bland texter och paratexter. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 2021 ;Volum 97. s.133-154

Andersen, John Daniel; Søvik, Atle Ottesen.
How to choose among conflicting theories in systematic theology? Proposal for a solution to an unresolved question in Wolfhart Pannenberg’s philosophical theology. Studia Theologica – Nordic Journal of Theology 2021 ;Volum 75.(2)

Petrenko, Ester; Balode, Dace
Past, Present and Future of Biblical Scholarship in Latvia. Scriptura 2021 ;Volum 120.(1) s.1-29


Willgren, David
Why Davidic Superscriptions Do Not Demarcate Earlier Collections of Psalms. Journal of Biblical Literature, 2020, Volum 139 (1), s. 67-86, HLT.

Willgren, David
A Teleological Fallacy in Psalms Studies? Decentralizing the «Masoretic» Psalm sequence in the Formation of the «Book» of Psalms  I: Intertextualität und die Entstehung des Psalters,
Mohr Siebeck, 2020, ISBN 978-3-16-156343-0, HLT.

Stephen, Gabriel
The Contribution of Norwegian Baptists towards Religious Freedom in Norway. 1877-1891, Journal of European Baptist Studies (JEBS), 2020, Volum 20 (1), s. 78-92, HLT.

Petrenko, Ester
A Study of Ephesians: A New Identity Reshaped by the Gospel of Reconciliation.
I: Reconciliation: Christian Perspectives – Interdisciplinary Approaches, LIT Verlag, 2020,
ISBN 978-3-643-91303-6, s. 60-83, HLT.

Davage, David
Textkritik och ny filologi i exegetisk undervisning: Nagra reflektioner och praktiska exempel.
Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok, 2020, Volum 85, s. 81-91, HLT.

Aadne, Linda
The Sacramental Practices of the Believing Community, I: Baptist Sacramentalism 3. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2020, ISBN 9781725286085, s. 145-170, HLT.

Andersen, Øyvind G
Healing and Preaching: The eschatological and legitimizing perspectives on healing constitute a unity that has important implications for the Church. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology, 2020, (7), HLT

Davage, David
Kan Gamla testamentet bli som nytt? Exegetisk undervisning i skuggan av ett «döende» testamente.
Studia Theologica Practica Umensia, 2020, Volum 3, s. 101-129, HLT.

Davage, David
“As It Is Written Concerning Him in the Songs of David” (11Q13 2 9–10): On the Role of Para- textual Activity in Shaping Eschatological Reimaginations of Psalm 82. I: David, Messianism, and Eschatology: Ambiguity in the Reception History of the Book of Psalms in Judaism and Christianity. Eisenbrauns, 2020, ISBN 978-952-12-3941-0, s. 3-44, HLT.

Jenssen, Jan Inge
How Church Leadership May Influence Growth by Applying an Organizational Life Cycle Perspective on Church Development. A Literature Study. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology, 2020, Volum 7, HLT, UIA.

Tangen, Karl Inge
Pentekostal spiritualitet, økoteologi og miljøengasjement. Et bidrag til utvikling av en pentekostal og karismatisk spiritualitet som kan integrere elementer av økoteologi og miljøetikk. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology, 2020, Volum 7, HLT.


Willgren, David
’May YHWH avenge me on you; but my hand shall not be against you’ (1 Sam. 24:13): Mapping land and resistance in the ‘biographical’ notes of the ‘Book’ of Psalms. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 2019, Volum 43 (3), s. 417-435, HLT.

Jenssen, Jan Inge
How Can Strategic Leadership be Applied to the Development of the Local Church? A Discussion of Content and Process. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology, 2019, Volum 6, HLT, UIA.

Willgren, David
A Canonical Taming of Suffering: On How Paratextual Activity Reshapes the Relationship Between God and Human in Psalm 71. I: God and Humans in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond: A Festschrift for Lennart Boström on his 67th Birthday, Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2019,
s. 176-207.

Willgren, David
A “Book”of Psalms in 4QMidrEschata.b? Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament, 2019, Volum 33 (2), s. 223-243.

Åkerlund, Truls
Halen som logrer med hunden: Om pentekostal eskatologi og sosialt engasjement. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology, 2019.

Smidsrød, Åse Miriam; Tangen, Karl Inge; Andersen, John Daniel
Kvinnelige ledere i kirken. Et pentekostalt perspektiv. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology 2019, Volum 6, s. 1-26.

Tangen, Karl Inge
Servant Leadership and Power. An introductory theological analyses. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology, 2019, Volum 6.



Åkerlund, Truls; Tangen, Karl Inge
Charismatic Cultures: Another Shadow Side Confessed. Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 2018, Volum 40 (1-2), s.109- 129.

Åkerlund, Truls
A Phenomenology of Pentecostal Leadership. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2018, (ISBN 978-1532639791).

Sandtorp, Bente
Det Norske Baptistsamfunn Bekjennelsesdåp, trosfrihet og flerkulturelt mangfold.
I: Kirkesamfunn i Norge: Innføring i kirkekunnskap. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2018, ISBN 978-82-02-59475-6, s. 169-190.

Andersen, Øyvind G
Pinsebevegelsen og den karismatiske bevegelsen – Den hellige Ånds gaver og Åndserfaringer. I: Kirkesamfunn i Norge: Innføring i kirkekunnskap. Cappelen Damm, Akademisk, 2018,
ISBN 978-82-02-59475-6, s. 191-212.

Willgren, David
Why Psalms 1-2 Are Not to Be Considered a Preface to the »Book« of Psalms. Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 2018, Volum 130 (3), s. 384-397.

Willgren, David
4Q177 i svensk översättning. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok, 2018, Volum 83, s. 43-65.

Tangen, Karl Inge
Leadership as participation in the hospitality of God: A reading of Luke-Acts. Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 2018, Volum 27 (2), s. 284-306.

Jenssen, Jan Inge
Leadership and church identity. A discussion of how leadership in the local church can help to realize the true nature of the church. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology, 2018, Volum 5.

Tangen, Karl Inge
Leadership as participation in Christ: Paul’s theology of leadership in the letter to the Philippians. Journal of Biblical Perspectives on Leadership, 2018, Volum 8 (1), s. 276-290.


Smidsrød, Åse Miriam
“For Such a Time as This”: Gender Issues in Twenty-First Century Norwegian and Swedish Pentecostal Churches